July 2022
Our 2022 ATV Jamboree was again a great success due to the committee and the community that is always there to help the MEDC out in the planning and executing this event. We definitely cannot forget the great visitors and riders that come to our community every year to help us make this event the best around the North Shore.
Don’t forget Registration for the ATV Jamboree opens on May 1st. Please email us at info@playintheextreme.ca for more information.
Cost of the ATV Jamboree this year has not been determined but it will include your lunch, dinner, banquet and poker hand where if your lucky you could win 1st Place: $3000.00 2nd Place $2000.00 3rd Place $1000.00.
Our 2023 Jamboree is going in to planning mode in January of 2023. If you have anything you would like us to look please let us know by email.
Don’t forget you are playing in the extreme so get ready for some exciting runs.
Friday night we are hoping to add a new small event and will let you know when things are in place.
Watch for further details and if you are planning on coming to Manitouwadge for the event please remember to book your accommodation. Check our accommodation tab.
Cut loose and have some mudslinging fun as you hit the throttle and go off-roading, Manitouwadge style.
Get yourself rolling on an ATV and have some rip-roaring fun as you claw your way into and then out of the mud or dig yourself though sand pits.
Or if a quiet, peaceful ride through indescribably beautiful scenery is more your style, there is a virtually inexhaustible number routes waiting to be explored.
An endless network of abandoned logging roads lay down a limitless supply of free wheeling good times as you check out all the local waterfalls and fishing holes.