Chris Townes, Administrative Assistant
Tel: (807) 825-3227 x230
Fax: (807) 826-4592
Manitouwadge Landfill Site Hours of Operation
Manitouwadge Landfill Site will be open from 10:00 a.m. – 2:00 p.m. on Monday, Wednesdays and Saturdays only.
The Landfill Site will not be open on Statutory Holidays.
The Public Works Department prepares budgets, manages, provides staffing, and is responsible for operations of the following departments:
1) Water Works
2) Waste Water Works
3) Solid Waste
4) Roads, Sidewalks, Parking Lots
5) Street Lighting
6) Cemetery
7) Equipment, Housing, & Shop
We employ eight full time employees and one part time employee out of the Public Works Garage at 11 Sault Road, a secretary in the Municipal Office, and the Public Works Superintendent, which totals ten and one half full-time employees.
(1) Water Works:
System consists of five wells, a treatment plant, and 900,000 gallon reservoir, 21 km of water main, 1,250 water service connections, and 136 fire hydrants. Service pumps operate in a
programable logic control relay sequence to meet distribution system pressure and flow demands with firm pumping capacity to meet the peak hour demand for a 20 year design population of 6,000 persons.
(2) Waste Water Works:
Collection system has 19 km gravity sewer mains collecting from 1,220 sewer lateral connections to a pumping station located between the old High School and the old Trailer Park. Two very large pumps push everything through 3.5 km of force main to sewage lagoons beside Rudder Lake. Two facultative aerated lagoons are designed for average flows from a population of 6,000 persons.
(3) Solid Waste Management:
Public Works uses a 25 yd garbage packer to collect weekly from residential areas and three times weekly from commercial customers. Waste is hauled to the municipal landfill site located 7 km east on Caramat Road at Rudder Creek. The landfill site was established ten years ago, and at present volumes of use, the area provided for cell development is sufficient for at least twenty years into the future. The Corporation has a derelict motor vehicle site at the end of Sault Road. J & J Equipment Rentals Incorporated operates from this scrap metal yard.
(4) Roads, Sidewalks, & Parking Lots:
The Department maintains 27 km of roads and 5 km of sidewalks for the Corporation. The Department also maintains four downtown Municipal parking lots, Recreation Centre driveways and lots, our Church lots, and various other Municipal locations. Until 1995, the Minister of Transportation provided conditional subsidies for road maintenance, road reconstruction, and for the purchase of road building equipment at rates of 50% to 80% of the total cost. Our last conditional road subsidy was in 1995. Local taxes are now the only revenue source for local road maintenance. One very severe storm can now cripple a Municipal budget that is not supported with reserve funding. Several years of neglect may allow a road to deteriorate from a $40,000.00 repair project to a $400,000.00 reconstruction project. Machinery and equipment have to be replaced at the end of their effective life. The Corporation needs to counter attack this loss of subsidy funding with disciplined long range planning and budgeting. Reserves and reserve funds must be supported at appropriate levels to carry out capital projects and replace equipment.
(5) Street Lighting:
System has about 360 lights.
(6) Manitouwadge Cemetery:
Is managed by the Manitouwadge Cemetery Advisory Committee. The new section with 205 lots on the east side is ready for burials. This area should have sufficient room for 20 years of internments.
(7) Public Works Garage:
Shop, storage, and equipment are located at 11 Sault Road. This complex includes a main building with an office, 3 heated vehicle storage bays, 2 bay repair shop, heated storage area and the employees lockers, lunch room and clean-up areas. Three cold storage buildings and a carpentry shop are situated in front of the main building. Behind the building there is a sand dome, a loader garage for the sand dome, a small MTO office, and the outdoor storage areas. The main building has been renovated to current health and labour codes. It also has a new heating system, wiring and lighting to bring it up to modern energy efficient standards.
Normal hours of operation are during weekdays from 08:00 AM to 4:30 PM with a half hour lunch break at Noon.
The phone number for the Public Works Department Office is 826-3227 ext 230.